The only realtime Watchlist and Alerts Service focused on Short Squeezes!

*Delivering an average of 2-3 Squeezes per week with a
90%+ Win Rate and Avg Gain of 10%+ on Alerts

Here’s what our members have to say:

“Emailing to say I’ve loved this service so much. I made over 100% on my money the last couple of weeks from these lists and I’m loving everything that’s happening between the Discord, Website, and Emails”


“You guys ****ing RULE! thank you so much. Another great day…”


“You can’t play the list blindly, you have to do your due diligence and choose your picks wisely, but there are always diamonds on the list. Lots of opportunities, and with the improvements it just keeps getting better and more functional. Very worthy of the membership fee.”

Professor Scalps

“+200% on FAZE Squeeeeeze. Thanks SqueezeFinder”


I must say, your service has been incredible over the past 30 days especially since the market has been a trainwreck to say the least. So happy I came across “SqueezeFinder” on Stocktwits.”
